
Our Athletic Programs

CVA is a community focused on developing snow athletes. We work with students year-round to develop training plans for on and off season and prepare students physically and mentally to ensure student athletes are able to compete at their personal best.

Individual Goals

The quality of coaching at CVA sets us apart.  Each athlete is treated with the same respect and commitment from the coaches because we focus on individual athletic goals. Each athlete has the same opportunities to achieve their personal best.

Limited Distractions

Because of our location, there are limited distractions for our student-athletes.  Our area breeds grit, perseverance, and confidence to overcome adversity.  We gain strength and inspiration from the beautiful and rugged environment.

Small Groups

The professionalism and dedication of our coaching staff allows CVA to give the same level of programming for every athlete, no matter where they are in their journey.  Smaller group sizes mean less wear and tear on a course, more training volume, and more individual attention.  Every member of every team is valued.

Close Connections

An integral part of CVA’s culture is the communication between teachers, coaches and staff to make sure the student athletes have the tools to be able to meet their goals in both academics and athletics.  We can adapt quickly to the athletic needs and competition schedules because of this close connection between the academic and athletic staff that may not exist in a larger prep school.